Key Visual Project Guerlain Paris

The goal of this project is to create a visual composition that exudes sophistication and naturalness, aligned with the essence of Guerlain Paris. The images will feature rustic elements, such as aged wood, organic textures, and dry leaves, creating a balance between timeless elegance and a connection to nature.

O objetivo deste projeto é criar uma composição visual que exale sofisticação e naturalidade, alinhada à essência da Guerlain Paris. As imagens serão elaboradas com elementos rústicos, como madeira envelhecida, texturas orgânicas e folhas secas, criando um equilíbrio entre a elegância atemporal e a conexão com a natureza.

The visual concept aims to translate the brand’s charm into a setting that evokes feelings of authenticity and exclusivity, reflecting Guerlain’s commitment to beauty and sustainability in its creations.

A proposta visual busca traduzir o encanto da marca em um cenário que evoque sensações de autenticidade e exclusividade, refletindo o compromisso da Guerlain com a beleza e a sustentabilidade em suas criações.

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All works displayed in this portfolio are the intellectual property of Rogério Silva and are protected under copyright law. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of these materials without explicit permission is strictly prohibited. These works are presented solely for showcasing purposes and remain the exclusive property of their respective creator. For licensing inquiries, please contact us directly.

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